LS13: A New Generation of Leeds Writers
LS13 an anthology of Leeds writers, released to coincide with The Big Bookend, gets reviewed by John Lake, author of the Leeds 6 Trilogy....
Taiwanese lass hunts cool in Leeds and exports it all over the world
Shang Ting Peng's thoughts and pictures about her adopted city have gone viral. Deservedly so, because they spring from a fresh and...
Leeds, The Promised Land - We can Create It, Despite London
Mick reviews the staging of Anthony Clavane's award-winning book The Promised Land and breaks into a pseudo-working -class hero, northern...
Mick's Trilogy of Culture Vulture Articles
Mick explores the nature if 'Leedsness', Leeds literature past, present and future, based around a Waterstones' event featuring Ian...
Punk publishing - a clarion call from noir-est Yorkshire
Getting out tales of darkest Leeds isn't easy, here Mick talks about the complexity of indie publishing and explains some of the Armley...
Leeds creatives and representations of the working class
Across the centuries Leeds creatives have made some important contributions to how we perceive 'ordinary people'. Here Mick explores...
Delivering cool: new digital eye on Leeds Fashion Show
The seventh annual event has watchers online this year and Mick McCann is one of them. Read it here #MickMcCann #Fashion #Leeds #Guardian
Why I Wrote Blowback
Blowback, the sequel to Hot Knife, had an interesting genesis in the dining rooms of Ukraine's political elite and the cafe haunts of...
How I found Leeds 6 by leaving it behind
John Lake describes for the Big Bookend audience how he had to leave Leeds to find the perspective to write about it. Believe it or not,...