Another episode from Mick's fledgling work The Philosophy Of Love And Laughter - a work in progress. He's getting all Beatrix Potter in...
Angel Inside - The Last Jacket Vicky Ever Chose Me.
Over the last few weeks, Mick has started a reflective book called The Philosophy Of Love and Laughter. What follows is an episode taken...
Sponsored Smoke For Cancer Charities - The Vicky Manifesto.
This is in memory of Vicky Lesley Jackson, my wife and (with family) the most important person in my life, a smoker who died a few weeks...
Leeds v Manc, Government & BBC Bias. The Economic Truth
Should you wish not to wade through my chuntering rant, the economics are highlighted in red below. Prologue: What follows is the script...
The Business of Drivel: Nash Equilibrium in Publishing
People just aren’t reading anymore, or so publishers tell us. Sales are dwindling; bookstores and publishers alike are closing their...
Mick’s Grandma’s Curtains Jacket.
I could barely understand mi Grandma, she was a farmer’s daughter, lived all her life in semi-rural Wakefield outskirts, around Netherton...
We are **** Leeds - The Guardian
Mick's Guardian piece on how Leeds helped the world to swear properly. 'Leeds obsessive (and why not?) Mick McCann ponders his home...
The arts class war starts here for 'We Are Poets' and Leeds Young Authors
Mick's Leeds Young Authors anti high arts funding rant that stayed in the top 5 Guardian most viewed web articles for a couple of days...
How the BBC rewrote history to disrespect Leeds... again
Mick slaps the nut on the BBC, it's disrespect for Leeds and it's re-writing of history. For the Guardian. Read it here #MickMcCann #BBC...
'Leedsness' and Our Hidden Writing Heritage
Leeds has had a huge influence on national thinking and writing that it appears to know little about. In this Guardian piece Mick McCann...